I have been investing in Real Estate since 2001 .
I have transacted over 300 deals later and over 80 million in real estate.
During the recession, we
got hit pretty hard.
I was basically wiped out.. bankrupt.
And that sounds just terrible, doesn’t it? For me during those times, I found myself saying “Why is this happening to me?!?!?”.
Well, everything turned out to be a gift.
Yes, foreclosure has been a gift. Yes Bankruptcy has been a gift….
Because during those times I found extremely creative and effective ways to stay alive as a business person. In fact, my real estate company should have been bankrupt within 6 months of the beginning of the recession..
Instead, we lasted 4 years longer than we should have- again, because we found creative ways to stay alive as a company.
As a result, I have become Very Street Smart when it comes to Real Estate Investment.
So yes, it’s been a gift.
And I’m so excited to share this gift with others to help them succeed in Real Estate Investment.
Since the “Tough times”, I have successfully rebuilt another multi- million dollar Real Estate Portfolio.
It has GREAT cash flow.. and best of all, I did all this without any of
my own money, and all without qualifying for a single loan.
I look forward to teaching YOU how to do the same.
The majority of the time, I’m a Mom.
I have 5 amazing kids and I really enjoy being with them.
I’m married to a really great guy.. So ya, life is good.
Welcome to the Street Smart Diva.com
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