Real Estate Coaching

The One on One "Story"

Hey, I’m Julie Hoffman and I’ve led such an incredibly blessed life… I’m so grateful and I’d like to share a bit of it with you.

Not too long ago I was just getting started with
Real Estate Investment Coaching.
I had already been through a lot… I wasn’t sure I could really lead someone else to success as I was already so
busy just trying to move forward
with all my own deals.

But then something happened that changed everything for me....

Available Courses and Coaching

I ended up dealing with
a couple in Saskatchewan who were in a very tough situation.
They needed a solution and they needed it quick (which normally would have made them perfect people for me to buy from).
They had bought high in 2007 (like a lot of us) and life had suddenly changed which meant getting rid of their property.

Dad needed to leave and
help their daughter in another province and mom was moving into the Big City to be closer to work.

Their big problem being

they DID NOT want to sell and lose money

They also
did not want to be landlords.
And I did not want to take over a property in Saskatchewan – I just like being closer to my deals…. I’m funny that way.

That’s when an idea popped in my head and I suggested

I coach them to sell their house

I told them what I could do, what it would cost, and how I envisioned it would
hopefully all turn out.

You see all they needed was time and with my coaching I was able to not only give them time, but we worked together to find a solution.

And it worked Great!

Even with a coaching fee included, they would walk away with an
extra $17,000.00 AND they were able to help a nice young family purchase a home through a
rent to own program.
So it ended up being a huge
Win Win.

And I was hooked.

I knew there had to be others who wanted the same help.
Help selling without losing money, help buying without having to take a lot of risk and help for all the confusing steps along the way.

A LONG ROAD to his FIRST DEAL! (Success Story)

Taylin had been on a LONG Real Estate Investment journey and he KEPT Going! When we started working together, he was willing to do whatever it takes to get the deal done.

He travelled back and forth from Edmonton to Kelowna SEVERAL times, selected tenants, helped keep renos on track, delivered supplies, made trips to the dump- Again, he did WHAT IT TOOK.

He learned so much about the ins and outs of a deal. He was always learning, growing and best of all TAKING ACTION. We were able to take a lot of what he had already learned and use it for this deal and it was my privilege to be part of it.

If you think you might benefit from coaching, reach out and let’s talk.

This next Success Story was SO AWESOME!!!!!

Trina is a mom of four and a full time real estate investor. She has done real estate investing in the past, and wanted to get back into the game.

Trina wanted to do Low Risk deals- Low Money Down and No Bank Qualify deals were ideal for her. She did the work and started doing BANDIT Signs in her town.

Before long, she had a DEAL from a Motivated Seller. She was able to get TWO deals for only 6% down and NO BANK QUALIFY.

She learned how to do a very creative deal and can now practice this strategy over and over again. I’m so proud of her. If this story speaks to you, and you think you might be a fit for coaching, please reach out

THE BEST PART OF Coaching: Watching people succeed “Solo”

Taylin is now on his 3rd deal and he did it (mostly) solo. Sure, he reached out for a couple of minor questions.

But he really did 99.9 percent of the work on his own.

The cool thing is this: he took what he learned from our LAST deal (scroll up to see his other deal) and nearly DUPLICATED what he did before which made it simple and easy.

The last deal had some issues which Taylin EASILY put corrections in place to make this deal smoother, better, and (of course) MORE FUN!!!

He made money on the buy and the property has already gone up due to a really fast market. Great work, Taylin!

I’ve Been On Both Sides of The Coin

As I mentioned the last recession was hard on a lot of people and as I was heavily invested in Real Estate at the time, I too went through some tough times.

During that time, I wondered “Why is this happening to me?
What did I do to deserve what looked like potential bankruptcies and foreclosures?!?” Those were very dark times.

I have since realized I needed to go through those
Struggles as part of my journey as a coach.
To survive, I found creative ways to make it
as a matter of necessity and these creative ways became tools in my coaching tool belt.

I appreciate what I went through.
Because now I can help people who think they have reached a dead end, a dead end I was at not too long ago.

What I’ve Learned Really Can Help Others

Here is a great Success Story.

Brittany was in a tricky situation. She had purchased an investment property and unfortunately, one of the joint venture partners stole $200,000.00 FROM the deal and left her holding the bag.

She thought she was facing foreclosure, lawsuits and eventual bankruptcy. Brittany actually reached out to me on how to deal with foreclosure. After further investigation, I was confident we could find a better, long term solution as long as everyone would work together.

After months of strategy and negotiations, this deal went from the brink of Foreclosure to everyone recovering their original Investment. If you or someone you know is facing a challenge when it comes to a deal, please let me know, schedule a meeting with me and let’s see if we can fix it together.

I’ve learned I love finding solutions when others can’t and it’s truly become my passion.

A passion I can share with anyone, including you!

How Can we Work together?

Well, in my One on One Coaching our goal will be to get you through a successful and profitable deal as a Real Estate investor. And to make sure it works, I’m right there with you all the way through it.

Now I could just give you one of my already profitable deals and call it good, but I’d rather teach you to fish on your own so you can continue to find more deals and continue to profit going forward.

So what I do is walk you the following,

  • Finding your own profitable deal

  • Working through the scenarios to make it work

  • Hand holding through the paperwork and legal processes

  • and much more

The intent of this is to have you walk away at the end with

AT LEAST $22,000 in profit

. That’s after my coaching fees, that’s after any legal costs involved with the transaction and that’s money you get to keep!

Here’s how it works on my end, as part of the coaching I have a partial
Reservation Fee where a portion of the coaching is paid up front, but I don’t get paid in full until YOU have purchased a deal that will make you AT LEAST $22,000 in profits.

If you’re really serious about investing in Real Estate having a coach to work with can make all the difference and with my

One on One Coaching Program

I not just want you to succeed as your coach, but I really don’t even get paid until you are. This is a huge
incentive for
me to make sure you succeed unlike many of the other programs you find out there where you have to pay everything up front.

So, if you’re ready, I sincerely hope that I can help work with you One on One to be part of getting you to the “Next Level”.